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Some Benefits of Kundalini Yoga and Meditation
Kundalini yoga is not to be taken lightly. It is like an express train that shakes and wakes you up. Some kriyas (set of exercises) will leave you feeling high and totally blissed out. Other kriyas will really provoke and confront you. What’s important is to stay present and accept pleasure and pain as part of the same journey to health and balance. Its very nature is to awaken the energy of consciousness. The practice brings to our awareness our self-limited beliefs and habit patterns that we inherited from the past. It invites us to process painful memories that are stored in our subconscious and to release them. It awakens our ability to become intuitive and sensitive. Kundalini yoga strengthens the nervous system. You will be able to act in a cool, calm and collected matter in the face of any situation. Kundalini yoga clears the fogginess of the mind. It makes you aware of your thoughts and gives you the chance to redirect your intention to co-creating with the Universe, rather then sabotaging yourself. You feel more alert, focused, concentrated, with a better memory and the capacity to make sound decisions.
Maya has a passion for helping people be their best self and reach their dreams.
Her passion for helping people release stress and live the life they dream of has grown tremendously since she saw how fast paced and stressful life in LA could be.
She discovered Kundalini Yoga and meditation and realized that this ancient practice can help people reach their highest potential.
Her classes are focused on centering, heart opening and stress release so that everyone can reach their highest potential and manifest their best life.
Maya teaches Kundalini Yoga and Sound Bath at various locations throughout the week.
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You are the healer! I only help you remember that.